University of Wisconsin - Stout

News Releases and Events

Title III has sponsored a number of assessment institutes including: the Student-Centered Learning/Teaching Institute, the Writing to Learn Institute: “Responding to and Assessing Student Writing”, and the Assessment Institute: e-Portfolio and Assessing Student Learning. For information on this year's events, please visit the Faculty Development page.

Title III recently provided funds to faculty from the Art and Design Department to present at the annual MUSE (Measuring Unique Studies Effectively) conference. These faculty had also attended our e-Portfolio Assessment Institutes. Below are examples of how Title III has helped to impact their program assessment.

Assessment Process: BFA in Art

BLOGS: An Assessment Tool for Art and DESIGN

In addition Title III has hosted a variety of Webinars on assessment, teaching, and learning. Title III has also provided professional development funds for faculty and staff which has allowed them to attend conferences throughout the United States and Canada.

This summer, Title III will again be hosting a number of events, including a 2-Day e-Portfolio Assessment Institute and a Follow-Up Institute both with invited guest facilitator Dr. Marie Paretti, the Co-Director of Virginia Tech’s Engineering Communications Center (

June 15-16, 2009  - e-Portfolio/Assessment Institute

Intended Audience:  Select Program Directors and Core Program Instructors (1 Program Director and up to 3 core instructors--Invitation only)
Facilitators:  Julie Watts, Marie Paretti, and Janice Coker
Institute goal:  To assist programs to establish, enhance and implement a system to assess student learning outcomes.
Participants in this workshop will:

    • Review Program objectives and determine key elements/components for inclusion in student learning assessment
    • Determine key elements/components for inclusion in student learning assessment e-portfolios
    • Create an Action plan for implementation of e-portfolio for students in major
    • Identify benchmarks for measurement of program e-portfolio success

June 17, 2009  - e-Portfolio/Assessment Follow Up Institute

    Intended Audience:  Participants who attended prior e-portfolio Assessment Institutes (invitation only)
    Facilitators:  Julie Watts, Marie Paretti, and Janice Coker
    Institute goal: To assist programs to implement a system to assess student learning outcomes.

    Institute participants will:

    • Investigate strategies for Reporting e-portfolio evidence
    • Investigate strategies for creating the Assessment in the Major Report
    • Report program progress in e-portfolio student learning project
    • Engage in work time with fellow program faculty

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact Millie Kotulek,

Title III has partnered with the Teaching and Learning Center to support and help complete tasks associated with faculty development. Please go to the TLC site for additional information on upcoming events: Teaching and Learning Center


Title III Newsletter -Fall '08


Spring '08

News 2007

News 2006

News 2005


The University of Wisconsin-Stout gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant in the development of the content for this Web site.