University of Wisconsin - Stout

Assessments - Year 3

Task 1 Activities
To emphasize Task 1 goals, the First Year Experience (FYE) model incorporates several Title III activities and serves to facilitate the transfer of proven practices (developed through the grant) into sustainable mainstream programs for new students. Accordingly, the FYE program will be assessed holistically as a program to demonstrate both impact and opportunities for improvement.

View the Task 1 model
View an initial draft of the full FYE Assessment Design

View the April 2007 FYE Report

Task 2 Activities

There are two primary activities associated with Task 2, and each is dedicated to improving assessment of learning on campus.

View the Task 2 model

Student Success Plan | Faculty Development | e-Portfolio | E-Scholar | Gen Ed

Grant Tasks

Title III Activity

Student Success Plan
Grant Tasks 1.1.3 through 1.6.3 Back to Top

Career Exploration Workshop. Two expanded one-day workshops offered during spring semester. Workshops are evaluated and the results used for improvements each year.

Participants reported significant improvements in their knowledge related to their or their child’s career interests.

View the
Executive Summary.

Outcome Evaluation of Career Exploration Workshop. Assist students with undecided majors investigate career options, explore individual career paths, and choose the appropriate major to reach their goals.

Results suggest the Career Workshops have minimal impact on student retention.

TRDIS 101: Career Exploration. New students will complete and evaluate the Seminar in Career Exploration (TRDIS 101) hybrid delivery model.

Students complete the Career Exploration hybrid curriculum as a course in Fall 2005 and Spring 2006.

View the Executive Summary.

Outcome Evaluation of TRDIS 101: Career Exploration. Assist students with undecided majors investigate career options, explore individual career paths, and choose the appropriate major to reach their goals.

Students complete the Career Exploration hybrid curriculum as a course in Fall 2005 and Spring 2006.


Longitudinal analysis of Transfer Student Services after Title III implementation. Transfer Students are provided an orientation, career advising, academic advising, and online resource information. No statistical differences in retention rates prior to or after grant implementation, suggesting the Title III Grant Transfer Student Services helped maintain transfer student retention rates after enrollment was opened to transfer students with undeclared majors.


View the Executive Summary.

Undecided Transfer Student Advisement. Students participate in half-day registration program and receive academic advisement, career counseling, and resource information.

Results suggest the Undecided Advisement has minimal impact on student retention.


View the Executive Summary.

Transfer Student Orientation. Freshmen cohort enrolled in online academic skills curriculum. Students enrolled as option for probation program or to utilize as resource.

The orientation resulted in generally positive attitudes from students.

"At risk" Online Academic Skills Curriculum.  
The resource does not provide for specificity.
Web pages developed to provide additional resources. Three web sites were designed: Transfer Student web site, career exploration site, and e-Links.
The resource does not provide for specificity.
Online Career Exploration Workshop. Undecided freshman students will have access to online career exploration workshop through D2L. 250 undecided freshmen students were enrolled in online career exploration site to use as a resource.
The resource does not provide for specificity.

Faculty Development
Grant Objective 1.1.5 through 1.8.3 Back to Top

Grant Tasks

Title III Activity Impact


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference: Designed to bring together Wisconsin educators with common interests in active learning strategies in relation to technology. Participants and presenters reported gaining new information and useful ideas for their teaching instruction.
Student-Centered Learning and Teaching Institute: Presentations and discussions on student engagement, the development and integration of active learning strategies, and development of assessment strategies to assess engagement learning experiences and disseminate findings. Participants reported significant improvements in their self-reported knowledge and abilities related to integrating more and/or improved student engagement activities into instruction.
Writing to Learn Institute: Discussed effective strategies for designing successful, engaging writing assignments, employing formative and summative assessments of student writing, and developed repertoire and/or sequence of discipline-based writing-to-learn assignments. Significant improvements in participants’ knowledge and abilities related to integrating more and/or improved writing assignments into instruction. Left with guidelines for planning, developing, and implementing writing assignments and assessments for their courses.
New Instructor Workshop: Presentations and discussions on how to utilize and teach in a digital learning environment, enhanced understanding of student engagement, discuss how to utilize and integrate active learning instructional strategies, utilize and conduct student learning assessment strategies, and create and support a learner-centered culture. The New Instructor Workshop resulted in a generally positive initiation for new instructors based on their self-assessment of the workshop activities as well as their personal readiness to engage in instruction.
Today’s Student - Fostering Resiliency Institute: Participants provided with characteristics of UW-Stout's undergraduate student population, assistance in developing new strategies to enhance work with students, and practices that foster student resiliency, persistence, and engagement. Participants reported improvements in their ability to identify factors and practices that foster student resiliency, engagement, and persistence, identify challenges to working with today’s students, UW-Stout’s undergraduate population, and developed new strategies to enhance work with students.
Learning Community Institute: Facilitators assisted participants in creating learning community goals and expectations, developing instructional strategies, planning community activities, and identifying effective methods for assessing student learning. Participating reported significant improvements in their self-reported knowledge and abilities related to what a learning community is, development of community goals/expectations, learning community specific instructional strategies, and assessment strategies.
New Instructor Workshop: Presentations and discussions on how to utilize and teach in a digital learning environment, enhanced understanding of student engagement, discuss how to utilize and integrate active learning instructional strategies, utilize and conduct student learning assessment strategies, and create and support a learner-centered culture.


Available soon.

Electronic Portfolio to Assess Student Learning Outcomes
Grant Task 2.3 Back to Top

Grant Tasks

Title III Activity Impact

Faculty Workshop and follow-ups by Title III Director -Jane Henderson

Consultations with Technology-Based Curriculum Designer -Jean Haefner

Implementation with assistance as needed.

Establish and implement system of assessing student learning at the program level.
Available soon.


E-portfolio Assessment Follow-up Institute: Provided strategies to assess student progress, information on reporting assessment outcomes, and an opportunity to report on program progress with e-portfolio. Resulted in thought-provoking discussions, the development of strategies to measure student progress, and significant improvements in abilities to use student reflections of program objectives to assess student learning and engage other instructors in the student learning assessment process.


E-portfolio Assessment Institute: Assisted participants in reviewing program objectives and identifying key components for inclusion in student e-portfolios, creating an action plan/timeline for e-portfolio implementation, and identifying assessment components for measuring e-portfolio success. Resulted in thought-provoking discussions, significant improvements in knowledge and abilities related to implementing and assessing e-portfolio success, and the development of action plans/timelines for implementation of e-portfolios.

Assess Impact of E-Scholar Program
Grant Task 2.2.3 Back to Top

Create and implement model to measure impact Establish and implement system of assessing student learning.
Go to the Actions and Results page.

General Education Assessment
Grant Task 2.3.3 Back to Top

Implement assessment of General Education Courses

Establish and implement system of assessing student learning.

Available soon.

Go to the Gen. Ed. Assessment Page.


The University of Wisconsin-Stout gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant in the development of the content for this Web site.