University of Wisconsin - Stout

Faculty Development - Year 4

During year 4 we will continue to focus on a variety of faculty development experiences through Summer Institutes, workshops and other professional development activities. These activities are developed in support of the Title III goals each year and open to all faculty.

Summer Teaching and Learning Institutes are planned to provide faculty/ instructors with training in advisement, engagement, technology and assessment. In June 2008, approximately 80 faculty/instructor members will attend the following Summer Institutes at UW-Stout:

• “Today’s Student-Fostering Resiliency” - June 3, 2008
• “E-Portfolio for Summer 2007 Cohort” - June 16, 2008
• “E-Portfolio Summer Institute 2008” - June 17-18, 2008
• “Learning Community Institute” - June 19, 2008
• “New Instructor Workshop” - August 19-21, 2008

Title III continues to provide a number of programs to meet its goals to improve retention and graduation rates through student services and faculty development, and to establish and implement a system of assessment of student learning outcomes.

This year with the assistance of Title III an Advisor Resource Guide was developed and distributed to faculty advisors. A copy of the guide is available on the Advisement Web site. Download the Advisor Resource Guide 2008-09.

For additional information, please view the Year 4 Assessment when available .

The University of Wisconsin-Stout gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant in the development of the content for this Web site.