University of Wisconsin - Stout

Faculty Development - Year 5

Year 5 continues the focus on a variety of faculty development experiences through Summer Institutes, workshops and other professional development activities developed in support of the Title III goals and open to all faculty.

Title III recently provided funds to faculty from the Art and Design Department to present at the annual MUSE (Measuring Unique Studies Effectively) conference. These faculty had also attended our e-Portfolio Assessment Institutes. Below are examples of how Title III has helped to impact their program assessment.

Assessment Process: BFA in Art

BLOGS: An Assessment Tool for Art And Design


Upcoming Title III Sponsored Workshops:

June 5, 2009 - Teaching First Year Students Workshop

Intended Audience: Instructors and staff that interact and work with first year students.
Facilitators: Donna Ritch, Andrew Kersten, Denise Bartell - University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Workshop Goal: To focus on methods to create engagement and collaborative arrangements in and among first-year courses, instructors and programs.
Facilitators will share the model of collaboration that they have implemented on their campus.

The questions that the workshop will focus on are:

Limited enrollment.  Enrollment Deadline:  Friday, April 24, 2009

Workshop time:  8:30 am – 2 pm

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact Millie Kotulek,

This institute is supported by the
Title III grant and the Office of Professional Instructional Development (OPID).


June 15-16, 2009  - e-Portfolio/Assessment Institute:

Intended Audience:  Select Program Directors and Core Program Instructors (1 Program Director and up to 3 core instructors--Invitation only)
Facilitators:  Julie Watts, Marie Paretti,* and Janice Coker
Institute goal:  To assist programs to establish, enhance and implement a system to assess student learning outcomes.
Participants in this workshop will:

*Dr. Marie Paretti is the Co-Director of Virginia Tech’s Engineering Communications Center (

Undergraduate Program Directors will receive a $900 stipend and Core Instructors will receive a $750 stipend.  Program Directors should select Core Instructors and confirm participation.

There are required follow-up sessions in 2009-10. 

Enrollment Deadline:  Friday, April 24, 2009

Workshop time:  9 am – 4 pm both days

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact Millie Kotulek,

This institute is supported by the Title III grant.


June 17, 2009  - e-Portfolio/Assessment Follow Up Institute

Intended Audience:  Participants who attended prior e-portfolio Assessment Institutes (invitation only)
Facilitators:  Julie Watts, Marie Paretti,* and Janice Coker
Institute goal: To assist programs to implement a system to assess student learning outcomes.

Institute participants will:

*Dr. Marie Paretti is the Co-Director of Virginia Tech’s Engineering Communications Center (

Each participant will receive a $200 stipend.   There are required follow-up sessions in 2009-10.

Limited enrollment.  Enrollment Deadline:  Friday, April 24, 2009

Workshop time:  9 am – 4 pm

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact Millie Kotulek,

This institute is supported by the Title III grant.


June 30, 2009 – Assessment Institute - Assignments, Tests, and Grades: More Learning, Less Time

Intended Audience:   Instructors willing to explore and experiment with course assessment.
Facilitator: Barbara Walvoord, author of Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education
Institute goal:   During the workshop participants will reconsider one of their courses in detail, to explore how they could make the course both more time-efficient for themselves and more productive for student learning. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will have reconsidered and, if needed, revised:

Limited enrollment. 

Enrollment Deadline:  Friday, April 24, 2009  

Workshop time:  9 am – 4 pm

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact: Millie Kotulek,

This institute is supported by the Title III grant. 


August 19, 2009 -  Student Success Institute

Intended Audience:  Instructors interested in exploring opportunities to develop and enhance strategies to foster resiliency and student success.
Facilitators:  Joan Thomas, Debra Shefchik, John Achter, Freddie Walker, Scott Correll, Vicki Thomas
Institute goal:  Participants will gain confidence in their teaching practice and   foster student resiliency, engagement, persistence and success.

Institute participants will be better able to:

Limited enrollment. 

Enrollment Deadline:  Friday, April 24, 2009

Workshop time:  9 am – 4 pm

For more information contact:  Jane Henderson,
To enroll in the Institute contact: Millie Kotulek,

This institute is supported by the Title III grant.

Title III continues to provide a number of programs to meet its goals to improve retention and graduation rates through student services and faculty development, and to establish and implement a system of assessment of student learning outcomes.

With the assistance of Title III an Advisor Resource Guide was developed and distributed to faculty advisors. A copy of the guide is available on the Advisement Web site. Download the Advisor Resource Guide 2008-09.

For additional information, please view the Year 5 Assessment when available .

The University of Wisconsin-Stout gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant in the development of the content for this Web site.