UW - Stout Senior Show
Fall 2007
Instructor: Nagesh Shinde
Amber Andraschko
William Biwer
Bethany Bonnell
Laurel Cox
Kyle Fletcher
Jessica Frank
Laura Belle Hanley
Daniel Jenstad
Kyle Kingston
Justin Konze
Amber Krieger
Jami McNamara
Derek Presnail
Lucas Richards
Ellen Schuetz
Erin Waters
Edward Wright
Stefanie Yarrington
The environment can be harsh and damaging to our hair and skin. Libella utilizes olive oil and its natural properties to create smooth beauty products for women by using nature to regenerate our lives. Olive oil’s beneficial properties like Vitamin E and Vitamin A create an anti-aging product, which will entice your senses while rejuvenating your body’s natural beauty. Olive oil is incorporated into Libella’s Soothing Shampoo, Clarifying Conditioner, Sheer Styling Cream and Calming Bath Soap. The special blend of essential oils and botanical extracts are formulated to reintroduce natural oils to hair and skin, and infuse softness, shine and renewed energy. |