UW - Stout Senior Show
Fall 2007
Instructor: Nagesh Shinde
Amber Andraschko
William Biwer
Bethany Bonnell
Laurel Cox
Kyle Fletcher
Jessica Frank
Laura Belle Hanley
Daniel Jenstad
Kyle Kingston
Justin Konze
Amber Krieger
Jami McNamara
Derek Presnail
Lucas Richards
Ellen Schuetz
Erin Waters
Edward Wright
Stefanie Yarrington
As a publisher of online and print comics, PUG Fiction is less interested in superhero power fantasies or genre fiction than in exploring the storytelling possibilities of the medium. PUG’s inaugural story is “Midnight Blue,” a study in violence in which a high school prom becomes the setting for a hostage situation and the proving ground for a boy faced with an impossible decision. Illustrated in a quirky, not quite realistic style, the story has been tailored to function as both a print comic and as one example of the digital “infinite canvas” currently being explored by comics artists: the traditional comics layout is turned on its head as panels rearrange themselves at the click of a mouse. Freed from the constraints of the printed page, the story flows with ease and becomes something distinct and new, what PUG calls a “digicomic.” |