UW - Stout Senior Show
Fall 2007
Instructor: Nagesh Shinde
Amber Andraschko
William Biwer
Bethany Bonnell
Laurel Cox
Kyle Fletcher
Jessica Frank
Laura Belle Hanley
Daniel Jenstad
Kyle Kingston
Justin Konze
Amber Krieger
Jami McNamara
Derek Presnail
Lucas Richards
Ellen Schuetz
Erin Waters
Edward Wright
Stefanie Yarrington
With the growth of a practice called “vanity sizing” women’s clothing is becoming more and more inconsistently sized, making shopping a frustrating experience. A10DANT, cell phone software, has been designed to personalize shopping for consumers. The software allows users to input their measurements and while shopping type in a brand name and it will tell them what size would fit them correctly. The software’s name, “A10DANT”, is named for both its functionality as a personal attendant finding exactly the right size and also represents a common size in women’s clothing, not to mention it’s perfect 10 rating. The software will save shoppers the hassle of taking several sizes of each selection to the dressing room resulting in a more satisfying and timely shopping experience. The software will also cut down on merchandise returns and therefore will reduce costs to merchandisers. |