UW - Stout Senior Show
Fall 2007
Instructor: Nagesh Shinde
Amber Andraschko
William Biwer
Bethany Bonnell
Laurel Cox
Kyle Fletcher
Jessica Frank
Laura Belle Hanley
Daniel Jenstad
Kyle Kingston
Justin Konze
Amber Krieger
Jami McNamara
Derek Presnail
Lucas Richards
Ellen Schuetz
Erin Waters
Edward Wright
Stefanie Yarrington
Good or evil? Right or wrong? Caramel or chocolate? Two paths lie before you, now which do you choose? Saint & Sinner, an uncommon confectionary, asks just that. When temptation is the ultimate battle, guests determine how sinful they want to be. From the holiest fruit parfait all the way down to the most decadent chocolate cake, the decision is yours. Choose wisely. Such importance is placed on food, to the point where we feel truly guilty for sneaking that extra chocolate…or three. This was the core idea behind my concept. I wanted to elevate the decision of choosing a dessert to the highest degree. Taking inspiration from religious references, I sought to create a subtle humor in the branding by measuring food by its sinfulness. Together these elements merge to form an entirely tempting confectionary experience. |