UW - Stout Senior Show
Fall 2007
Instructor: Nagesh Shinde
Amber Andraschko
William Biwer
Bethany Bonnell
Laurel Cox
Kyle Fletcher
Jessica Frank
Laura Belle Hanley
Daniel Jenstad
Kyle Kingston
Justin Konze
Amber Krieger
Jami McNamara
Derek Presnail
Lucas Richards
Ellen Schuetz
Erin Waters
Edward Wright
Stefanie Yarrington
Feutre, the innovative company specializing in high-end futuristic felt jewelry, strives to give women an alternative to traditional jewelry. The felt pieces are one-of-a-kind, high-end quality accessories that can be worn dressed up or casual. This style of jewelry is for the woman who wants to be noticed for her style! The finest quality wool is used by Feutre in making dramatic felt body art pieces. All of the materials are crafted in France, which inspired the company’s name of “feutre” which is the French word for felt. |