Squirrel Away
Sara Guenthner
For my senior project, I have written a script and created the concept art for an animated film called "Squirrel Away." The concept document includes storyboards, character designs, environment designs, illustrated scenes, and an animatic. This project showcases my strengths as an illustrator and shows the importance of preproduction work of an animation.
The story I have created, "Squirrel Away" is about a boy named Jesse, who plays a mischievous role by creating havoc in the forest. He quickly learns that the forest has plans of it’s own… to teach him a lesson! The underlying message is to take care of life around you.
When looking for inspiration, I found some old folktales that I could modernize with a few variations. One that stuck was a folktale from Eastern Slovakia that had been told and retold, from one generation to the next, and had different variations. I wanted to go from there and put my spin on it.