University of Wisconsin - Stout

2007 Summer Institutes for Faculty and Instructional Staff

Sponsored by the Title III Grant

June 5-6, 2007 – Assessment Institute - e-Portfolio and Assessing Student Learning

Facilitators:  Dr. Julie Watts, Dr. Janice Coker

Institute goals/objectives:

  • Review Program objectives and identify e-portfolio assessment components
  • Determine key elements/components for inclusion in student learning assessment e-portfolios
  • Create an Action plan for implementation of e-portfolio for students in major
  • Identify benchmarks for measurement of program e-portfolio success

Attendees will include 8 program teams (Program Director and core instructors).  You should receive information about the summer stipend/contract soon.  Additional information related to what resources program teams should bring to the institute will be shared soon.

Please contact Jane Henderson if you have any questions.

June 19, 2007 – Student -Centered Learning/Teaching Institute
Intended Audience: All faculty and instructional staff (limited to 20 participants)

Facilitator: Dan Riordan

Participants in this workshop will:

  • Investigate student engagement strategies
  • Develop and integrate active learning strategies into the classroom
  • Develop assessment strategies to evaluate student engagement learning experiences

Each participant will receive a stipend (approximately $200). There are required follow-up sessions in the fall semester of 2007.

For more information: Contact Jane Henderson; x-5005

To enroll in the Institute contact Heather Graves;

June 27, 2007 - Writing to Learn Institute: “Responding to and Assessing Student Writing”
Intended Audience: All faculty and instructional staff who were unable to attend last year’s Summer Writing Institute (limited to 20 participants)

Facilitator: Andrea Muldoon

Participants in this workshop will:

  • Learn various approaches to providing formative and summative response/feedback to student writing
  • Learn a variety of strategies for assessing/grading student writing
  • Develop effective strategies for managing the paper load while grading

Each participant will receive a stipend (approximately $200). There are required follow-up sessions in the fall semester of 2007.

For more information: Contact: Andrea Muldoon;

To enroll in the Institute contact Heather Graves;


The University of Wisconsin-Stout gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant in the development of the content for this Web site.