University of Wisconsin - Stout

Blue Drive Help

What is the Blue Drive?

The Blue Drive is a new way to store, share and publish data to a secure backed up server. To access the Blue Drive login with your email Username and Password to:

To Save Documents as .htm or .html Files:

In order for your files to be interactive and hyperlinked though a Web browser, all of your  files must first be saved as a Web page in Word, and then hyperlinked to the main e-Portfolio file. Any individual pictures should be saved within a Word document, and then also saved as Web Page.

Instructions for PC users:

    1. Open the file you wish to save as an HTML file.
    2. Choose File > Save As from the Office Button of your Word document, and choose Other Formats.
    3. In the dialog box ‘Save as type’ select Web Page
    4. Save to your e-Portfolio folder.


Instructions for Mac users:

    1. Choose Save As > Web Page.
    2. Save to your e-Portfolio folder.

View this demo.

To Link HTML Files:

Make certain all the files you are hyperlinking are in the e-Portfolio folder.  These you’ll upload to the Blue Drive later.

  1. Open the htm / html file by right clicking the mouse button and choosing Open With Microsoft Office Word.
  2. With the document open, highlight a word or series of words that you want to hyperlink, and right click to create a hyperlink.
  3. If the option isn’t available, choose Document in the Dialog Box.
  4. Browse to the htm / html file you wish to hyperlink TO, and select it.

View this demo.

To Upload Files:

After you have created all of the hyperlinks in your html files, you must upload the files you have stored in the e-Portfolio folder on your computer to the Blue Drive.
In the Blue Drive:

  1. Open the e-Portfolio folder and create a new folder for all of your linked documents.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Choose Browse and select the file you want to upload to Blue Drive.
  4. If you have more than one file, click Add File and browse to find the next file.
  5. When you have chosen all of your files, click Start Upload.

View this demo.