Getting Started Technical Tips

Issues in Creating Portfolios

Creating and Evaluating Teaching Videos

Purpose and Principles for Inservice Portfolios

Ways to Organize Your Preservice Portfolio

Using Standards as a Guide

Writing an Artist Statement

Writing a Philosophy Statement

Creating an Art Teaching Portfolio for Professional and Master Level Licensure

Suggestions for Writing a PDP Plan



The standards used on this E-Portfolio web site are based on the ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards, the National Art Education Associations Standards for Teaching Art, the INTASC Standards and the new WI PI 34 rules. These standards can serve as a guide or framework for your E-Portfolio. All PK-16 Grant Participants (K-12 art teachers, university art educators, and art education consultants) reached consenus on these standards and indicators.

Correlates with:
WI Teaching Standard #1 and

1a. Visual culture (historical and contemporary art and design, popular art forms, visual communication, art contexts; new media)


  • Content
    Demonstrating knowledge of visual culture as content for art and design education
    Demonstrating knowledge of terms associated with the content of visual culture
    Demonstrating knowledge about new technologies for art education
  • Contexts
    Recognizing that personal, cultural experiences affect responses to visual culture
    Demonstrating knowledge about the role of cultural and historical contexts in understanding visual culture
    Recognizing that multiple contexts for visual culture (museums, galleries, etc) exist
  • Criticism
    Recognizing that there are a variety of frameworks for interpreting visual culture
    Demonstrating abilities to make interpretive judgements about visual culture
    Demonstrating abilities to connect judgements with broader contexts (historical, cultural, and philosophical)
    Demonstrating abilities to reconsider positions and views
  • Philosophy
    Demonstrating knowledge of different aesthetic theories
    Demonstrating abilities to articulate aesthetic responses
    Demonstrating abilities to apply different aesthetic theories to visual culture
    Demonstrating abilities to reconsider positions and views
  • History
    Demonstrating knowledge of historical and contemporary examples of visual culture

Artifacts may include:
Research papers, projects, curriculum, videos, exams

1b. Art Education


  • History
    Demonstrating knowledge of history of the field of art education
  • Standards
    Demonstrating knowledge of state and national standards
    Demonstrating application of standards in teaching practices
  • Practices
    Demonstrating knowledge of current issues in art education
    Demonstrating knowedge of technology for art education

Artifacts may include:
Research papers, exams, essays, presentations, curriculum

1c. Visual production in art and design


  • Exploration of Ideas
    Demonstrating breadth of production in a variety of media, including new media
    Demonstrating abilities to identify and solve visual problems
    Demonstrating abilities to revise and change ideas
    Demonstrating abilities to formulate new questions
  • Pursuit of Ideas
    Demonstrating research and sustained investigation
    Demonstrating how personal experiences impact idea development
  • Technical skills:
    Demonstrating developing technical skills with a variety of tools and media that successfully represent ideas
  • Synthesis of Ideas:
    Demonstrating the evolution of ideas and the depth and complexity of inquiry
    Demonstrating abilities to synthesize personal expression, ideas and media
    Demonstrating abilities to present work in a public forum
  • Reflection/Assessment Skills
    Demonstrating abilities to clearly articulate about work
    Demonstrating abilities to integrate feedback and revise work
    Demonstrating abilities to interpret and critically assess own and others' work

Artifacts may include:
Sketches, plans, works-in progress, finished works, reflections about work and process, photos or videos of exhibits, student critiques

Wisconsin Teaching Standards # 2, 3, 4

2a. Range of Visual Developmental Levels


  • Recognizing varied levels of artistic development
  • Recognizing the unique artistic abilities/styles of all students
  • Encouraging students to monitor and reflect on their learning

2b. Range of Learning Styles


  • Recognition that students learn visually
  • Inclusion of strategies and new technologies to accommodate different learning styles, modalities and intelligence that support visual learning
  • Inclusion of strategies and new technologies that assist students to work visually both independently and in groups

2c. Diversity of Students


  • Recognition of the diversity of students' visual heritages of students
  • Modeling of respectful behaviors toward members of other cultures
  • Encouragement of students to engage in respectful behaviors toward members of other cultures

2d. Special Needs Students


  • Demonstrates knowledge of adaptations for special needs students in art class
  • Inclusion of visual strategies and new technologies for ESL students and special needs students

Artifacts may include:
Student questionnaires, interest inventories and surveys, special needs and gifted and talented work examples, curriculum documents, video of teaching

Correlates with:
Wisconsin Teaching Standard #7

3a. Organization


  • Applies knowledge of visual culture planning curriculum
  • Planning purposeful learning activities
  • Planning with knowledge of teaching and visual resources
  • Planning with knowledge of students' visual abilities, interests and cultural heritages
  • Planning with knowledge of special needs learners
  • Planning with knowledge of existing facilities and limitations
  • Planning according to district, state and national art and design standards
  • Planning with knowledge of minority group relations
  • Developing short and long term art and design instructional units and assessments
  • Selecting and developing appropriate visuals
  • Developing art and design curriculum that includes the visual contributions of women and diverse racial and cultural groups
  • Planning with knowledge of the community and cultural heritages

3b. Collaboration


  • Planning with other teachers in ways that support visual learning
  • Planning with artists, galleries, museums and community members in ways that support visual learning and K-16 collaboration

Artifacts may include:
Planning webs, concept maps, outlines, curriculum: lessons, units, year long plans, interdisciplinary, multicultural, technology-integrated curriculum, bulletin boards, research papers, visuals, teacher-made projects, assessment tools, daily and weekly planners

Correlates with:
Wisconsin Standard #5 and #6

4a. Instruction


  • Including content that represents breadth, depth and diversity of visual culture
  • Encouraging the connections between community and school knowledge
  • Designing learning experiences to enhance individual and group strengths/identity
  • Encouraging the connections between art and design content and other disciplines
  • Including a variety of instructional strategies and methods that include the visual and the technological
  • Demonstrating abilities to address complex issues, such as, racism, sexism and discrimination
  • Encouraging higher order thinking through using questioning and discussion techniques and visual exploration
  • Demonstrating abilities to ask appropriate and relevant questions that aim to clarify and extend student knowledge
  • Actively accessing and building upon students' prior knowledge
  • Encouraging active learning through exploring ideas visually
  • Demonstrating abilities to pace and transition
  • Promoting fairness and equity
  • Recognizing and supporting multiple viewpoints and visual ideas
  • Demonstrating abilities to individualize instruction
  • Demonstrating abilities to adapt lessons to materials as appropriate
  • Demonstrating abilities to communicate lesson concepts and directions clearly in oral, written and non-verbal communication
  • Demonstrating skills in record keeping (instructional and non-instructional) using technology
  • Demonstrating abilities to multi-task and be flexible

4b. Environment


  • Communicating expectations for behavior
  • Demonstrating abilities to facilitate instructional groups
  • Demonstrating abilities to redirect inappropriate behaviors
  • Reinforcing safety issues and classroom rules
  • Implementing a distribution plan for materials
  • Creating an accessible classroom space
  • Demonstrating abilities to resolve classroom and/or school crises

Artifacts may include:
Bulletin boards, planning schedules, student work examples, video of teaching, art curriculum, presentations, slide shows

Correlates with:
Wisconsin Standard # 8

5a. Instructional


  • Demonstrating abilities to provide students with both constructive formal and informal feedback, in a timely manner
  • Creating assessment tools that are aligned with instructional goals and standards
  • Selecting appropriate formative and summative assessment tools and strategies to evaluate student process and outcomes
  • Encouraging self, student and peer evaluation of process and product
  • Recognizing accelerated and/or improved student development and accomplishments
  • Keeping accurate evaluation records and/or electronic portfolios of student work

5b. Self-Evaluation


  • Uses the evaluation process to reflect on teaching and future planning
  • Uses evaluation rubrics and forms to guide reflection and evaluation

Artifacts may include:
Worksheets, tests, student critique videos, student and peer evaluation forms, sketchbooks, rubrics and evaluation forms

Correlates with:
Wisconsin Teaching Standard #9

6a. Student/Community Interactions


  • Contributing to school and community events and programs
  • Positive interactions with parents, students, staff and adminstrators colleagues with the goal of student improvement

6b. Advocacy


  • Advocating for art and design education and students who learn visually
  • Exhibiting student work with school and/or community

6c. Professional Development


  • Seeking opportunities to learn more about art and teaching art
  • Contributing to the literature in art and design education
  • Observing and analyzing teaching practices of mentors and teachers

6d. Reflection Skills


  • Engaging in on-going critical analyses and reflection and evaluation of teaching, pedagogical and curricular choices and actions
  • Demonstrating an openness to suggestions by faculty mentors and supervisors with the aim to improve performance and teaching practices

Artifacts may include:
Journal or sketchbook entries, letters, notes to and from parents, bulletin boards, photos or videos of art exhibits, published articles, newspaper clippings, reflection statements, evaluations from mentor or supervisors

Wisconsin Standard #10


  • Participating in school and/or community meetings, workshops and projects
  • Active membership, participation and or leadership in student chapter art and design education organizations
  • Attending and/or presenting at state art and design education conferences
  • Leadership in art and design education, school and/or community events
  • Other relevant contributions to school, community, district and/or profession

Artifacts may include:
Pictures of an event, invitations for an event, certificates of participation, Powerpoint presentations, meeting agendas, videos

Correlates with:
Wisconsin Standards # 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8

7a. Technical Skills


  • Using imaging devices such as scanning, video cameras, digital cameras
  • Using computers for recordkeeping, assessment, and teaching
  • Participating in broadcast instruction or distance education course

7b. Technology Integration


  • Selecting digital resources and devices for special needs students
  • Using technologies to support instruction in art and design education
  • Evaluating resources, applications, tools, software related to art and design education instruction and evaluation

Artifacts may include:
Images of students' works, Powerpoint presentations, designed templates, samples of handouts, charts, graphs, brochures using computer software, your E-Portfolio

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Materials on this website may not be modified, altered or edited in any way. Materials in this website may be reproduced, stored and/or distributed for information and educational purposes, and in no case for profit. This copyright page must be included and authors cited with any materials used from this site that are reproduced, stored and/or distributed © 2003 applies to this site and its content except where otherwise noted.
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