Authored by Sheri Klein, UW-Stout
Guidelines and formats for your portfolio organization may be pre-determined
by your university art education and/or teacher education program requirements.
There are, however, many ways to organize your preservice
portfolio. Portfolios can be organized in a "linear" format
that resembles a resume, or may be organized in a "holistic"
format that allows a viewer to access the portfolio in multiple ways.
Linear Organization
A linear organization of your portfolio can be achieved
by organizing around the contents of your resume. There are general categories
of a resume and these are listed in the chart below. As in a resume,
key experiences would be highlighted, and pages would be linked to each
of the categories with evidence of supporting artifacts and reflections.
Another linear way to organize your portfolio is using the standards
as the basis for a table of contents. Key experiences would be highlighted
and pages would be linked to each of the standards with evidence of supporting
artifacts and reflections.
A Table of Contents is a necessary component E-Portfolio to guide the portfolio reader.
Holistic Organization
A holistic organization of your portfolio can be achieved by organizing
around images, themes, using a matrix, an educational philosophy statement,
or teaching goals. Portfolios by art teachers or future art teachers
should be highly visual to reflect the profession of art education. Key
images could be selected that represent ideas or metaphors about art
teaching, or that represent the various roles of art teachers, such as,
curriculum developer, negotiator, facilitator, manager, problem solver,
etc. Artifacts and reflections could be linked to images that demonstrate
evidence as to how you have experienced different roles in teaching.
Themes of teaching that relate to the standards may include: "Beyond
the Classroom," "Connecting Art with Life," "Recognizing
Talent," "Acknowledging Individuals," and "Creating
Classroom Community," "My Teaching Over Time," :Tending the Garden," or other metaphors.
As an art education portfolio, we recommend that images are placed throughout
the portfolio.
Ways to Organize
A Preservice E-Portfolio
By Contents of a Resume
While there are many resume fomats to use, a standard resume
includes information about your education credentials, work experience,
teaching record, and art exhibition record.In the exhibition record
category, you should provide evidence of your development as an
artist. Include both in-process and completed art works with your
statements. Include art works that shows depth and breadth as well
as your area(s) of concentration. Your reflections in this section
should reveal your capacities to critique your work Your work should
be assessed by criteria that are consistent with artistic practice
(i.e. imagination, purposeful pursuit of ideas, synthesis of content,
form and function, technical and compositional knowledge).
By the Standards
Selectively include artifacts and reflections that demonstrate
your your best efforts at meeting the standards. |
By Images
Selectively include images that have meaning for you and that
represent your metaphors for art teaching. These images may include
your studio art work, images from visual culture, other artists'
works, or other relevant images. Link artifacts and reflections
that address each metaphor.
By Themes
Selectively include themes that represent aspects of art teaching
that you consider important, or that you strive for in your teaching
practice. Link artifacts and reflections that address each theme.
By A Matrix
Create a chart or matrix that includes your organizing structure
and that cross-references where themes intersect with standards,
artifacts and reflections. Make links where the themes intersect
so that the portfolio can be accessed in multiple ways.
By Art Education Statements
Your philosophy of art education can serve as a portfolio organizer.
You can create links from your statement that demonstrate how you
put theory into practice, how you demonstrate teaching competencies,
and meet the teaching standards. |
By Teaching Goals
Selectively include your teaching goals based on your student
teaching experiences and other related teaching experiences, paid
or unpaid. You can create links to curriculum, student work, teaching
evaluations and other artifacts that demonstrate you have met your
teaching goals, and the standards. |
Strategies for Deciding on An Organizational Structure
Create a web of desired E-Portfolio components or create a storyboard
where you layout your E-Portfolio pages. This process can enable you to
visualize links and connections between pages, eliminate unnecessary pages,
and to strengthen the design components within and across pages.