Role of Senior Mgmt
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The Role of Senior Management

    Senior managers, who in reality have a limited role in driving the change down to the employee level, can have a more powerful impact by working to create a climate where self-directed work teams can flourish.  Rayner (1993), identifies that Senior managers can accomplish powerful impact by:

  1. Defining the company's direction while not insisting on specific solutions,

  2. Spreading the lessons learned from both successes and failures,

  3. Giving ongoing support and encouragement to those organizations or departments making the transition to self-directed work teams, and

  4. Reorienting corporate staff functions to help support the efforts (p. 82-83).

    Welling, Byham, & Wilson, (1991) add some additional points regarding senior management's role in creating a culture conducive to team implementation.  These two additional points include:

  1. Determine if the organization’s vision and values are sufficiently clear and compatible to enable empowered teams to operate. 

  2.  Define the membership and responsibilities of the steering committee (p.82-83).

    Welling, et al. (1991), also shares that senior management also must agree on the results or goals expected in each of these areas:

  • Direct business reasons for teams.  What bottom-line business indexes (scrap rate, quality, customer service, etc.) will be affected by adopting teams?

  • Indirect business reasons for teams.  What changes can be expected in indirect business indexes (morale, employee turnover, union grievances)?

  •  Investment required to implement and maintain teams.  Is the cost worth it?  Comparing the relationship of anticipated benefits with costs (p.84).