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EDUC 664 Teaching K-12 Computational Thinking (in all curricular areas)
Learn strategies to help students think critically and solve problems creatively using technology.
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Featured Online Courses
EDUC 651 Project-based Learning in the Flipped Classroom
Our Students Say
"You have opened my eyes to a whole new way to run my classroom, a better way for the students to learn."
~ Denise Tufts, Certified Nursing Assistant instructor HS, Greene, Maine
EDUC 660 Teaching for Creativity and Innovation: The Maker Culture
Our Students Say
"This was one of the best courses I have taken in YEARS - and I have taken quite a few online courses from a variety of institutions. The course content was excellent, the activities were relevant, rigorous and thought provoking."
Challenges for Computational Thinkers: Robotics, Coding, Makerspaces – A Combination Approach
8+ Ways to Bring Robotics to Your Classroom
Sean Arnold is a NYC District 75 special educator and STEM coach. He provides a video-rich guided tour of robotics. You will see a selection of programmable robots that will get you thinking. (Isn’t that what it’s all about?)
“Perhaps..., you are like me and grew up enjoying R2-D2 and Short Circuit and you relish the opportunity to drive student engagement through computer science in the classroom in a way that is physical and tangible for students."
Makerspaces and Academic Incubators: Giving Innovation on Campus a Home
Daniel Fusch writes, "This generation of students has an entrepreneurial and creative spirit. We just need to create the spaces—innovation centers, makerspaces, academic incubators—that foster their learning and growth as young entrepreneurs."
"Makerspaces are finding homes in K-12 libraries and media centers. But where does ‘maker’ culture fit in higher education? This article delves into to the entrepreneurial space young ‘makers’ crave."
Mindstorms: What did Papert argue and what does it mean for learning and education?
Ground your understanding of makerspaces, computational thinking, coding, robotics and constructionist learning with this synopsis of Seymour Papert’s brilliant and challenging book Mindstorms. Professor Ko provides context and insight that will help you see the timeline of ideas that started it all.
Andy J. Ko says, "(Papert) imagined a world in which children learned just as much about algorithmic thinking as they did about numerical thinking, evening coining the widely used phrase “computational thinking,” in the hopes that thinking like a computer, combined with more powerful representations for making that thinking explicit, would be a path to better learning of all subjects."
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D., provides a curated selection of maker resources that can keep you clicking and reading for days. Great videos, infographics, and annotations abound. Here you’ll find games, toys, robots, squishy circuits, artbots, wearables, maker starter guides, and more.
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If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in a course, contact Joan Vandervelde: vanderveldej@uwstout.edu
Phone: 715-642-0209
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Our Master of Science in Education is a 30-credit master's degree that features all online courses and offers a flexible curriculum to meet your professional development goals.
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