Featured Online Courses

EDUC 640 Poverty in Schools

Our Students Say

"The assignments were eye-opening. This course offered a wealth of information to increase my awareness of the circumstances surrounding individuals living in poverty."
“The strategies were so relevant to my classroom and our community and the work we are doing as educators."

EDUC 652 Accessibility and Universal Design

Our Students Say

"This course taught me how to offer multiple ways for learners to express themselves when it comes to assignments. It even took a little prodding of myself to submit an 'alternative' assignment."

USDLA Certified

How to Inspire Yourself – Our Favorite TED Talks

The Power of Believing that You Can Improve

The well-known researcher, Carol Dweck, explains how “growth mindset” changes brains confronted with problems ‘slightly too hard’ to solve. Lessons to be learned for old, young, everyone!

Five TED Talks about Poverty You Need to Watch

Paulette Parker has curated TED talks addressing poverty in schools, economic injustice, fighting poverty, and restorative justice. Arm yourself with ideas and inspiration for the uphill battle to end poverty.

Why We Need Universal Design

Learn a profound empathy lesson from Michael Nesmith, a creative designer, and technology innovator who is deaf. Nesmith communicates an understanding of universal design that opens minds and hearts.

The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

Sarah Jane Blakemore, a cognitive neuroscientist, explains the adolescent prefrontal cortex to answer the question: “Why do teenagers seem so much more impulsive, so much less self-aware than grown-ups?”

Three Rules to Spark Learning

High school chemistry teacher, Ramsey Musallam, realized something while recovering from open-heart surgery. His brush with death snapped him out of “10 years of pseudo-teaching”. Discover Ramsey’s sparks for generating interest and inquiry.

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treasure chestHave you used our Rubric Treasure Chest?

It's full to the brim with ready-to-use rubrics that will help you and your students achieve learning objectives in your classes. Check it out!