this day was when we were at the rope corse. It looks easy but its not!!!
this picture is of the radical red group. We are on a corse that looks really easy but it isn't. It was also a lot of fun!!! We also did some other fun rope corses  involving a large teeter totter called the Whale Watcher, it involved balencing 12  campers, plus 2 councilors. It was kinda easy.

this is the same day.This is a picture of a girl named Falicia Lagerstrom (the one in the pink shorts). it was not easy, and the things that you climb on are not very big, they are really small she said. But it was really fun!!!!!                                  There was also a thing (that we did not get a picture of) that involved falling. You were put in a harness and hooked on a wire and Then they


Created by: Falicia L & Tyler P (yes i'm a girl)