On our first day we all did a fun and challenging ropes course. It was totally awesome. In the picture we were all introducing our selves.

This is our group. A you can tell we are the yellow group. There is blue, green and red also. Here we are doing our group cheer that we made up.

This is the blue group making their airplanes. On Wednesday night we flew our airplanes controlled by a motor. That was one of my favorite parts.

This is green team doing plastics. It was so cool working with hot plastic and everything. We made key chains, moldings, clock towers but we enjoyed making splurges the most. :)

This is red team making their Steps boxes in packaging. it was so much fun. The teacher of that class is so totally cool. His name is Nek (that's Ken spelled backwards).

This is when we were casting. It was cool, we made the noses for our airplane and a mushroom paper weight. We all loved it.

On Tuesday we went on an industry tour to Cardinal's Glass and Phillip's Plastics. Here you can see us at the glass factory looking into the furnace which goes up to 3000 degrees ferenhight.

One night we all went to the student recreation center. Here Pete (the founder of Steps) was showing us how to play a really fun game named Crud. We could also bowl. it was so much fun!

Made by: Natasha P. & Jackie M.