Kathryn, Alex, and Brianna in CAD.
Here's the Yellow Group learning about Physics from Rebbecca.

The Blue Group making nose-cones in Foundry.
Look at the beautiful boxes made by the Green Group in Packaging.

In Plastics, we made these clocks, frisbees, airplane canopies, a STOUT emblem, and key chains. We used injection molding and thermal molding to make all of the projects.
In this picture, Alex is waving during Packaging. We made boxes, airplane fuselages, and we shrink wrapped a notepad and pen.

This is Alex cutting a hole in her key chain.
Brianna smiles after animating her airplane in CAD.


We made a lot of things here at STEPS. Key chains, clock towers, frisbees, airplane posters, mushrooms,  STOUT emblems, cut-out planes, shrink-wrapped penpads, boxes, this webpage, and most importantly...our airplanes!
   We still had time for fun. We went swimming at wakanda park, bowling, touring Phillips Plastics and Cardinal Glass, watched a movie, flew our airplanes, did the ROPES course, sang karoke at the dance and went shopping!
Jen and her finished clock in Plastics.


Designed by Alex J. and Jen D.