Ashley, Amanda, Lauren, and Kirsten (Junior Counselor) talking on the first day of camp. 


Amy, Stevie (Stephanie) and Tess talking while waiting for the 'indoor picnic' to start.

Everyone at packaging with Ken. He showed us how strong and sturdy 'corrugated packaging' (a.k.a.- cardboard boxes, but don't refer to them as that around Ken, he only likes their proper name) is. He put boards on a few boxes and some of the girls stood on them.

Amy and Ashley's

Web Page



Everyone at Chemistry, we learned about different chemicals, food coloring, and our two teachers showed us a show of explosions!!!



Ashley's SHOUT OUTS!!!!

Hey Mom, Emma, and Mr. and Mrs. Dahl!! :) Having a great time at camp! See ya soon! -Ash *:)


Amy's SHOUT OUTS!!!!

       Hi Mom, Dad, Angie, Nate, Carye and pets, and      friends!! Having lots of fun!!! See you on Friday!            -Amy Sue






That's All For Now










Amy Sue Kringle and  Ashley Howden