University of Wisconsin - Stout

Journal of Student Research
Seventh Edition, 2008   (Note: viewing links requires free Adobe Reader )

Gender Stereotypes Associated with Altruistic Acts
Lacey D. Seefeldt
Keywords: Altruism, Gender Stereotypes, Vignette

Possible gender stereotypes associated with altruistic acts presented in two types of vignettes were investigated. A sample of 72 General Psychology students were recruited to participate. The researchers had three main hypotheses: Females would more likely be perceived as the performers of an altruistic act, females would more likely be perceived as the receivers of an altruistic act, and the more extreme act of altruism would be perceived to be made by a male and the minor by a female. Results revealed a main effect of Vignette Type on the perceived gender of the performer and the receiver of the altruistic act. A significant Rater Gender x Vignette Type interaction on Gender of Receiver was also found. This study was important and beneficial to examine expectations of gender during the performance of altruistic acts and puts societal influence on gender roles into context.

Advised by Dr. Sarah Wood

Overview of Knowledge Management in Organizations
Yu Huang
Key words: Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure

This paper looked into the knowledge management from the organizational perspective. Author introduced definition of knowledge management, explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, and three attributes of effective knowledge management—maturity, dynamic and self-growth. Subsequently, the author explained organizational culture and structure which can best support successful knowledge management by reviewing literatures and illustrating a knowledge enterprise model. To manage knowledge effectively, the organization should create a knowledge-sharing culture whose component is trust and consider it from four targets—interpersonal, group, organizational and institutional. Trust should go through the process of knowledge management, and emphasize trust to people and to knowledge content simultaneously. Organizational structure should facilitate knowledge sharing and be able to manage tacit knowledge. Also, it should align with organization strategies, fit the culture and lead to organization learning by using technology as an enabler.

Advised by: Dr. Kat Lui

Family Support: What It Means To Male Inmates
Leigh-Anna Fournelle and Staci Hofferber
Keywords: family, inmates, support, incarceration

Family support for incarcerated individuals is an important issue that receives little consideration in society even though it may be one of the greatest factors for change in the jail system for combating recidivism rates. This study investigated the attitudes of 44 male inmates regarding family support while incarcerated in a Midwestern Wisconsin jail. It was hypothesized that increased family support of inmates while incarcerated would have a positive effect on the inmates and their behavior. Survey data was analyzed using frequencies and a reliability analysis. Results indicated that family support had significant effects on inmates while incarcerated. It was also found that overall conditions of the family interactions for the individuals that are incarcerated were unsatisfactory. Based on these findings, it is important for people to recognize that incarcerated individuals benefit from support from their family and jail environment while incarcerated. Implications for practitioners and future researchers include a need for greater efforts towards awareness and education of family involvement with inmates. It would also be helpful to improve the incorporation of family support for jail systems.

Advised by: Dr. Susan Wolfgram

VMware Virtualization and Software Development
Mark Cloutier
Keywords: Virtualization, VMware, Performance Testing

Virtualization technology has recently matured to the point where it can be used dependably on a daily basis by anyone. Computer virtualization is the idea of running virtual computer(s) inside of a physical host computer. The basic idea behind the technology is not difficult to understand, but understanding how the technology is implemented is more complicated. In this paper, the basic ideas behind general virtualization are conveyed through VMware’s technology. VMware is a company that is on the cutting edge of this technology and they offer many different virtualization solutions for free and for purchase. Through benchmark testing, it can be shown that current virtualization technology is on par with physical PC technology. This means that the performance decline incurred by using a VM (virtual machine) is very minimal, and it is getting smaller by the day.

Advised by: Dr. Terry Mason

Nutrition, Activity, and Health Status of Elementary Children
Diane Rasmussen
Key Words: Childhood obesity, nutrition, physical activity

Obesity is a global concern with an alarming increase in the rate of overweight children. National statistics indicate that 18.8% of children are overweight. (Centers for Disease Control, 2004; 2007b). Limited data exists for elementary school children in Wisconsin, including Menomonie. Forty-two subjects from two elementary schools participated in the study. Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold and midarm, and waist and hip circumference were measured. Subjects also completed a survey measuring nutrition knowledge, behavior, and intention as well as diversity in physical activity and attitude. Results indicated 16.7% of children in the study were overweight. Trends indicated there was an increase in the prevalence of overweight children with age as well as gender. As nutrition knowledge increased, intentions toward healthy eating behavior also increased. No correlation existed between nutrition knowledge, behavior, or intentions with respect to some components of diversity of physical activity and their attitude to be physically active. Thus effective interventions for this age group should include nutrition education as well as encouraging an active lifestyle.

Advised by: Dr. Ann M. Parsons

Bargain Shopper, Rachele, Bingo Nation, and Pete
Miriam Houg

Advised by: Charles Lume

Abide, Proceed, The Masses, and Migration Series
Katie Unertl

Advised by: Charles Lume

Big Boned and Fey, Meet Your Neighbor, Common Sense that Accrues with Experience, and Feel the Mattress Tense Beneath Me
Andrea Avery

Advised by Charles Lume

Weight, Born Furless and Blind, Something to Remember, and Climax No. 49
Christina Williams

Advised by Charles Lume

Discipline and Intergenerational Transmission
Aria Snyder and Samantha Bub

Key Words: discipline practices, intergenerational transmission, corporal punishment

The disciplinary practices that parents use on their own children affect the child throughout his or her life and influence the discipline that they plan to use with their children. This study investigated attitudes about intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment and nonphysical means of discipline by surveying 100 male and female college students ages 18-26 years of age at a Midwestern college. It was hypothesized that college students would plan to discipline their own children the same way they were disciplined as children based on the Social Learning Theory. Survey data was analyzed using frequencies, cross-tabulations, and a reliability analysis. Results indicated the majority of participants will use similar discipline practices as their parents. These results confirmed the hypothesis and were supported by the literature. Implications for practitioners include there needs to be parenting classes that address effective discipline practices. Suggestions for replication and future research are discussed.

Advised by: Dr. Susan Wolfgram

Survey of Vocational Evaluators’ Assistive Technology Knowledge and Usage
Amanda K. McCarthy

Keywords: Vocational Evaluation Rehabilitation Counseling Vocational Assessment Assistive Technology Persons with Diabilities

Technology is a major part of the world today. For Americans without disabilities, technology makes tasks easier. For Americans with disabilities, technology makes things possible. Without consideration of technology during the evaluation process, vocational evaluators are allowing the individual’s current functional limitations to dictate vocational options and could be considered invalid and discriminatory (Langton, 1991). Despite this, assistive technology is being underutilized in the vocational evaluation (VE) process (Langton, Smith, Lown, & Chatham, 1998). Assistive technology is considered any technology that is used during the rehabilitation process (30th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues, 2003). The McCarthy Vocational Evaluation and Assistive Technology Survey (MVEAT) was created and administered to VE professionals to generate current information on this topic. Vocational Evaluator knowledge and usage of assistive technology in this study was similar to data gathered a decade earlier (Reed & Fried, 1995). This study found that the majority of VE practitioners used online resources to find information related to AT. Implications of these findings to the field of VE and recommendations are discussed.

Advised by: Dr. Michelle Hamilton

Impact of Guardian Relationships on Committed Relationships and College Students
Heather Partridge and Hannah Baltus

Key Words: divorce, attitudes, college students, marital status

Over the past couple of decades, America’s divorce rate has sky rocketed to almost half of all marriages ending in divorce. This study investigated the attitudes of male and female college students from a Midwestern college towards committed relationships based on their parents’/guardians’ marital status. It was hypothesized that college students’ attitudes would be affected by their parents’ marital status based on the Social Learning theory, which assumes that individuals often behave in ways that were modeled for them and that parents are some of the most powerful models. Survey data was analyzed using frequencies, cross-tabulations, and a reliability analysis. Results indicated that college students agreed that their parents’ marital status affected their views on committed relationships. These findings were supported in the literature and supported the hypothesis. Implications for practitioners and future researchers include helping couples develop skills to maintain their marriages.

Advised by: Dr. Susan Wolfgram

Elements of Community Visioning: A Perspective
Bridget Murphy and Summer White Eagle

Keywords: Community visioning, intervention, community planning, future, global drivers, catalyst for change, collaborative

Visioning has found success for individuals, organizations and communities as an intervention for change. This process is used as a catalyst for change that involves all stakeholders. Although visioning has some disadvantages, the process has found high levels of success and has made significant social, environmental, and economic impacts on communities and their members. Within this paper, elements of the process of visioning and its advantages and disadvantages will be discussed. An example of how the Wisconsin Rapids intervention was conducted and the subsequent results will be examined.

Advised by: Dr. Kat Lui

The Effect on Lipid Profiles after Supplementation of Cranberry Seed Oil
Megan Eno

Key Words: Heart disease, lipid profile, cholesterol, cranberry seed oil

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of supplementing cranberry seed oil to a population who had borderline high to high total blood cholesterol levels (>200 mg/dl). A total of 19 participants completed this research study. The experimental group consumed cranberry seed oil daily for eight weeks. The control group consumed canola oil daily for eight weeks. At weeks one, four, and eight a lipid profile test was conducted on each subject. A decrease of 5.7 mg/dl in total cholesterol occurred in the experimental group after just four weeks, with an increase of 4 mg/dl in HDL. These results warrant further research into the in vivo effects of cranberry seed oil supplementation.

Advised by: Dr. Cynthia Rohrer