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The Adjacency Matrix of a Graph
(Methods and Examples)
Short Cut:
[Simple Graph]>
[Directed Graph]>
[Weighted Graph]>
[Flow Network]>
We may input a graph on a computer by its
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency List
. Essentially speaking, these two methods are equivalent, so I would like to introduce you the adjacency matrix only.
To construct the adjacency matrix for a
Simple Graph
, one can label all the vertices in order. Assume that there are p vertices, we name them as V1, V2, V3, ..., Vp. Consider a block of numbers, called a matrix, with p rows, representing the p vertices in order, and p columns, representing the same p vertices in order. If Vi is adjacent to Vj, then place 1 at the
ith row and jth column
and 1 at
jth row and ith column
; place 0 otherwise. When you input this adjacency matrix into the text area, do not include the vertex names, only input the numbers. The adjacency matrix is symmetric for a simple graph.
If we have a
Directed Graph
, we may construct the adjacency matrix the same way. But, for each directed edge (Vi, Vj), we place 1 at ith row and jth column, 0 at jth row and ith column except that there is another directed edge (Vj, Vi). the adjacency matrix, in general, is not symmetric for a directed graph.
If we have a
Weighted Graph
, again, we may construct the adjacency matrix the same way. But, for two adjacent vertices Vi and Vj, we place the
weight value
at ith row and jth column in stead of 1 (also place the weight at jth row and ith column). Then, follow the same rule for a simple graph. the adjacency matrix is symmetric for a weighted graph, too.
Finally, let's construct the adjacency matrix for a
Flow Network
. A flow network is a directed and weighted graph with a source s and a sink t. Label the source s as the
first vertex
and label t as the
last vertex
. Then, follow the rule for directed and weighted graph.