For a practicing art teacher, what should be included in your art teaching e-Portfolio that will meet state standards in Wisconsin for reaching the Professional Educator Level and the Master Educator Level?


Portfolio Artifacts and Reflection

Documentation of the following artifacts are recommended as evidence of your teaching practices in accordance with PI 34. 18 (Professional Educator Level) and PI 34. 19 (Master Educator Level) and ISTE National Education Technology Standards for all teachers. (


To demonstrate your teaching, planning, and assessment skills include:

To demonstrate your growth as a teacher that is aligned with your PDP (Professional Development Plan) goals include:


To demonstrate your reflective skills about your teaching include:

To give evidence of collaboration with professional peers and others (student teachers) include:


To demonstrate recognition of your contributions to the profession that you have received include:


To demonstrate your skills as a mentor to student teachers include:

Ethical use/Copyright resources- When developing you e-Portfolio, you may use sayings or quotes from internet and print resources.  Guidelings for internet use see:


Requirements for Professional Educator Level (PI34.18)

 For more information on obtaining Professional and Masters Level Certification in Wisconsin go to

Requirements for Master Educator Level

Completion of a performance based professional education program with college or university endorsement and passing scores on standardized test in license area approved by State Superintendent.


This is a 5 year non-renewable certificate.  Art teachers moving from initial to professional level need an approved PDP plan.

Currently licensed teachers will renew their license, at the professional level with 6 earned credits or a PDP plan.

Requirements for Master Educator Level (WI PI 31.19) Issued for 10 years

Note: Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) shall be accepted in lieu of meeting requirements for this level.

Assessment of the above may include interviews, examinations, review of portfolios or other essays or methods of analysis and appraisal.